
We rely on donations to offer help and hope to London's homeless.
If you would like to support our work, there are a few ways you can help...

Donate cash

Every penny you donate really does count. We can provide a hot nutritious three course meal for just £1.20 per person, so you can be assured that for every fiver you donate, 4 people won’t be going hungry that night.

If you don't live in London or can't spare the time to come along to a drop in, donating to Streetlytes is a great way to help homeless, vulnerable and isolated people.

Donate stuff

We need warm and waterproof clothing in good condition, plenty of socks and shoes as well as toiletries for our amenity packs. We'll make good use of your clothes at our drop-ins! We also love offers of food and can let you know what we're running low on if you'd like to help.

The easiest way to donate stuff to us is to pop into our West London drop in. Come down any Monday during our opening hours - there's no need to make an appointment. If you don't have transportation, on rare occasions we can ask volunteers to pick up larger goods if you let us know your location, type of donation and availability.


We are currently looking for intrepid fundraisers for 2020. Whether you're a marathon runner or a cake-stall queen, let us know what you're up to so that we can offer you our support and thanks.

Get in touch

We'd love to hear from you. Please drop us an email at

Restoring hope and inspiring change for the homeless